  • Gun Tracker

    Gun Tracker

    9.1 4.0.5 2025-02-27

Gun Tracker allows you to log rounds fired, cleanings, and more for your guns!

Gun Tracker gives you the ability to keep detailed records for your guns. You can log things like the number of rounds fired, cleanings, etc as well as keep notes on individual range sessions. Range and cleaning sessions are automatically organized according to the date they were entered but can be manually edited at a later time.

Gun Tracker is completely free (ad supported) and allows you to store information for up to 5 guns. The PRO version of Gun Tracker is also available allowing for storage of up to 40 guns as well as other bonus features.

Current Features:

* save the make/model, color, date acquired, purchase price, modifications, and serial number for each gun

* 20 ammo slots to track how much ammo you have in your stash

* save special notes for each gun

* save rounds fired, cleanings, failures, and dry fires for each gun

* save individual range sessions

* save individual cleaning sessions

* earning "badges" based on what you've entered into the app makes logging gun info fun!

* e-mail all of the info saved for each individual gun

* save 3 pictures for each gun

* password protect your gun information

* change the background to a variety of colors

* backup all data to sd card which can then be emailed, uploaded to Dropbox, etc

* NO automatic backup to any online servers. You can manually backup data but otherwise, ONLY YOU have access to your sensitive gun information

I am consistently working to improve Gun Tracker. If you have any questions or suggestions for Gun Tracker, don't hesitate to contact me through the options menu of the app. If you encounter an error, please contact me so that I can fix it instead of leaving negative feedback. Thanks.

tags: gun, log, logger, track, tracker, firearm, weapon, ammo, database, serial number, range, dry, fire, rounds, ammunition, usage, diary, cleanings

What's New in the Latest Version 4.0.5

Last updated on Jan 18, 2016 version 4.0.5
- added new ammo related badges

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